I apologize in advance for any, and all mistakes I make in my grammer and spelling.
In about 17 hours I will be celebrating my 2 month anniversary in Italy. It has been a very fast 2 months! I am loving everyday, and the new oppertunity everyday presents to me.
I have seen Aosta and the Aosta valley since last update, and I fell in love with the small city/capital of the valley. It was the most captivating mountains combined with an ancient history including Roman remains that made it so amazing. The other two big bullet points of travel are that last week (last Saturday) I hiked to a "Rifugio" in that alps with my Family and a friend. The rifugio was a high mountain lodge with beutiful views of large waterfalls, and the golden yellow autumn trees. At the Rifugio we stopped for a lunch before heading back, I had a patato dish, mixed with speck, and a cheese sauce. The next travel news is I believe that I am going Lugano, Switzerland this Saturday with my family and some friends. For those who do not know, Lugano is a magnificent lake town in the Italian speaking region of Switzerland.
My new goal to accomplish while in Italy is the Haute Route. The trip would take place this spring, but preperation will begin now. The Haute Route, is the worlds most famous ski tour. It starts in Chamaniox, France, and treks through the alps for 6 days, at which point you end up in Zermatt, Switzerland. So I will keep the blog posted on that.
Other news includes my school schedule FINALLY switching today. As some of the classes I were in served me no benefit, but thankfully past fixing the evident, the Italians went the extra mile. For example I will now be taking German again, that is German taught in Italian. Also they took the liberty of moving me from the math class I was in which was a algebra 1 algebra 2 mix (took 2-3 years ago in America) to Algebra 1 (took in 8th grade).
Why did they do that? Because Hey! Why not? This most likely means I will enroll in some online class to stay sharp on my math while here in Italy.
To wrap it all up my family here continues to be great! I could not be more thankful for that. Every Sunday evenjng I get a new verbal list of options of where to travel to the next Saturday, and then I'm expected to choose which is very difficult and lucky.
Thanks for reading,
Logan White
P.S. Stay classy America, stay classy