(Photo recap at bottom)
My last post was over a month ago, and with over a month of time comes over a months worth of life to tell you about. To start its scary to say that it was over a month ago that I last posted. It feels like 2-3 weeks at most. A lot has happend since then, in the way if travel and language ability.
The weekend after my last post my host parents took me and two friends to Lugano. If you ask the internet you will learn Lugano is a small city on the shore of a lake in the south of Switzerland. If you ask me you will learn it is a breathtaking city of the edge of a breathtaking lake with crisp autumn tempetures, rediculously high end stores, and an awesome public park.
The next weekend I took a short trip north of Varallo to a small town of less than 100 people in summer and less than 5 in winter. The town is called Rima, Rima is beautiful and very cold, you could call it beautifully cold. The town is very old and had been a summer get away for high end politicians hundreds of years ago, but now is almost unvisited. Another intresting thing about Rima is it just had a 4 star resort buit in it. When I saw the resort I thought 2 things.
1. Brilliant architecht
2. Horrible buisness man
The resort is drapped over a small river, and across from a large waterfall, everything about it is breaktaking its just a shame the only costumer could very well be the owner.
About two weeks later my class and I took a trip to Venice!!! And just to save room as I could tell you about the city for ever I will bullet list it.
• Spectacular views
• Amazing buildings and churches
• I wore a t-shirt for the first time in ever
• Lots of water (the amazing canal system)
• If you have the oppertunity to go, go.
Then I woke up after my venice day trip tired as ever, and made a four hour trek to Cremona where I met up with other Rotary kids from lots of districts and we all enjoyed the large Torrone festival. Torrone is an Italian sweet that is hard to describe so your going to have to believe me when I say it's good. Cremona is a city famous for the violin and invention of torrone, hence the torrone festival.
Since then my traveling has somewhat stopped as the mountain opend for snowboarding and thats been a more than easy choice to me over the last couple weeks.
But hey thats not all folks!
I have been asking Luci and Jessica, inbounds living in Biella (city 1 hour away) to come visit me in Varallo. This mini trip was accomplished by them a few weeks ago. The three of us went for a tour of Varallo,got cafe, told jokes, and enjoyed eachothers company.
Now the big news!
This is big people, that means my time is 1/3 over! That is amazing, and also hard to believe. My new family is very nice, and I have no problems with them. Their house is beautiful, and I have host siblings, which is a nice change of pace. With that said I loved the time I had at my first family, and will be moving in with them for my last 3 months of my exchange. I am thankful for all they have done for me, and my first host mom continues to drive me to school. (how sweet of her)
Christmas break start this coming Monday and I am more than welcoming it! I might even find enough free time to update my bolg before another month and a half goes by,.
Thank you, good bye, and stay classy,
Logan White
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